WVHA’s Public Housing Program currently includes a portfolio of 349 apartment units throughout Polk County that are managed and operated by the Housing Authority. Households residing within our Public Housing Program are given the choice of paying either an Income-Based Rent (approximately 30% of the household’s adjusted monthly income) or a market-based Flat Rent amount set at no less than 80% of the Federal Fair Market Rent for the jurisdiction.
To qualify, each household’s total annual gross income must not exceed 80% Median Income for their family size. The Income Limits can be found on this website at “Working With Us”, Policies, Public Housing Program Information. In addition, each adult household member of an applicant household must pass a tenant screening process, including sufficient rental and/or professional references prior to being offered an available rental unit. A criminal background check is also required and all adult members of each applicant household will be screened.
WVHA’s Public Housing Programs portfolio includes the following units: